• Surya Namaskar – Der Sonnengruß

    thumbnail of surya-namaskar

    Sury Namaskar-A                                                              Sury Namaskar-B

    thumbnail of sury-namaskara                 thumbnail of sury-namaskara-b


    Yamuna Sequence lang

    thumbnail of Yamuna Sequence lang



    • GEETAJI’S CLASS (06/06/2008)

    • GEETAJI’S CLASS (07/06/2008)

    • GEETAJI’S CLASS (09/06/2008)

    • GEETAJI’S CLASS (11/06/2008)

    • GEETAJI’S CLASS (13/06/2008)


    Home Practice


    Home Practice Sequence Level-1                     Home Practice Sequence Level-2

    thumbnail of home-practice-sequence-level-1                     thumbnail of home-practice-sequence-level-2

    Home Practice Pose                                                    20-Minute Yoga Fix Sequence

    thumbnail of homepracticeposes                    thumbnail of 20-minute-yoga-fix-sequence


    Ashtanga Series


    Primary Series – Yoga Chikitsa                                Ashtanga Yoga – The Asanas of the Primary Series

    thumbnail of primary-series-yoga-chikitsa           thumbnail of ashtanga-yoga-the-asanas-of-the-primary-series



    Menstruation Sequence


    Menstruation-Sequence-1                                         Menstruation Sequence Beginner

    thumbnail of menstruation-sequence-big                                  thumbnail of menstruation-sequence-beginner

    Geeta-Iyengar-Practice-of-Women                         Unterstützende Asanas bei Menstruation

    thumbnail of 246808066-geeta-iyengar-practice-of-women                                  thumbnail of asanas-bei-menstruation




    Immunity Sequence


    Immunity-Sequence                                                  Immunity-Sequence 2

    thumbnail of immune-sequence                                 thumbnail of immunity-sequence2